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SSL.com Root Certificates

The lists display the path of trust from the root certificate, through the required intermediate certificates to the server certificate for each SSL.com product we offer.

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The lists below display the path of trust from the root certificate, through the required intermediate certificates (if any) to the server certificate (which is the certificate you purchased from SSL.com) for each SSL.com product we offer.


Validation type SSL.com Certificate
Domain Validated (DV)  Basic, 90-Day Trial
Organization Validated (OV)  Premium, High Assurance, Wildcard, UCC/SAN, Code Signing
Enterprise Validated (EV)  Enterprise EV, Enterprise EV UCC

This download links below provide .ZIP files containing the required root and (if required) intermediate certificates for all SSL.com products

SSL.com Certificates

Domain Validated (DV)

SSL.com Root Certification Authority RSA (Root)

SSL.com RSA SSL subCA (Intermediate)

[your SSL.com certificate] (Server Certificate)


Organization Validated (OV)

SSL.com Root Certification Authority RSA (Root)

SSL.com RSA SSL subCA (Intermediate)

[your SSL.com certificate] (Server Certificate)


Enterprise Validated (EV)

SSL.com EV Root Certification Authority RSA R2 (Root)

SSL.com EV SSL Intermediate CA RSA R2 (Intermediate)

[your SSL.com certificate] (Server Certificate)


USERTrust Certificates

Domain Validated (DV)

AAACertificateServices.crt (Root)

USERTrustRSAAAACA.crt (Intermediate 1)

SSLcom DCVA_2 (Intermediate 2)

[your SSL.com certificate] (Server Certificate)


Organization Validated (OV)

AAACertificateServices.crt (Root)
USERTrustRSAAAACA.crt (Intermediate 1)

SSLcomHighAssuranceCA_2 (Intermediate 2)

[your SSL.com certificate] (Server Certificate)


Enterprise Validated (EV)

AAACertificateServices.crt (Root)
USERTrustRSAAAACA.crt (Intermediate 1)

SSLcomPremiumEVCA_2 (Intermediate 2)

[your SSL.com certificate] (Server Certificate)


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