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I received a notice that my certificate is expiring. How do I renew?

If you received a notice that your SSL.com certificate is expiring or that it has expired, then you will need to renew that certificate. To do this, please click on the provided link to the renewal or simply copy and paste it into your browser’s address bar. You will then be taken to the renewal order page. The renewal order page selects the same certificate type as your previous certificate and populates the form with the same SAN entries as your previous certificate.

Please refer to these detailed instructions on how to renew your expire or expiring SSL/TLS certificate(s).

You can also simply log into your SSL.com account. Once logged in, your certificates will be listed on the right side of the page. Any certificates that are expiring soon (or have already expired) will have a link to “Renew”. Click this link and confirm your order. Remember that renewals are like new certificate installations. You will have to install the renewed SSL Certificate.

You may also change or add email addresses for your expiration reminders – see this article for more information.

If you cannot remember your password, click the “Lost Password?” link to have a new temporary password emailed to you. Please remember to change your password once logged in.

If you cannot remember your username, or have any other questions, please email us at Support@SSL.com and we will be happy to help you.

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