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Satisfaction Guarantee Refund Policy

Our 30 Day Guarantee

All digital certificate products from SSL.com come with an unconditional 30 day money-back guarantee. If the certificate you purchase does not work as planned or was bought by mistake or you are in any way dissatisfied with your certificate (and in the case of an EVCS/ OVCS certificate it has not been used for signing) then let us know within 30 days of issuance and we will refund the full price of your purchase upon request. It’s what we promise and it’s what we do.

Cancellations and Account Credit

At SSL.com’s discretion, account credit may be given for cancellations outside of the refund policy window. For upgrades (or replacement of a digital certificate for one of greater value) any service fees will be waived.

Physical Devices

Physical devices such as hardware tokens are not refundable. If an order involving a physical device is canceled, any shipped devices are considered unrecoverable and the value of the device (plus shipping and handling) will be withheld from any refund.  If the device has not been shipped then it is considered recoverable and eligible for a refund.

Extended Validation Code Signing (EVCS) and Organization Validation Code Signing (OVCS) certificate

Extended Validation Code Signing (EVCS) or Organization Validation Code Signing (OVCS) certificates are not refundable if they have been used.  If an order involving an EVCS or OVCS certificate is canceled while the certificate has been used to sign an application or code it is not eligible for a refund.

As always, if you have any questions about this policy or anything else, then feel free to contact our Support Team by emailing Support@SSL.com, calling 1-877-SSL-SECURE, or clicking the chat link at the bottom right of this screen.
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