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eSigner CKA Integration with CI/CD Tools

The two tables below demonstrate how to integrate eSigner CKA with Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) tools for automated code signing. Guides for CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Gitlab CI, and Travis CI are provided for signing .NET files. Guides for Azure Pipeline, GitHub Actions, Gitlab CI, and Travis CI are provided for signing .vsix files.

eSigner CKA (Cloud Key Adapter) is a Windows based application that uses the CNG interface (KSP Key Service Provider) to allow tools such as certutil.exe and signtool.exe to use the eSigner Cloud Signature Consortium (CSC)-compliant API  for enterprise code signing operations. Three prerequisites have to be met before being to able to conduct eSigner-based code signing on CI/CD tools:’s EV Code Signing certificates help protect your code from unauthorized tampering and compromise with the highest level of validation, and are available for as little as $249 per year. You can also use your EV Code Signing certificate at scale in the cloud using eSigner.


.vsix Signing Example Workflows

Environment Variables
For sample codes, you can refer to the Github repository at:

.NET Code DLL Signing Example Workflows

CircleCI IntegrationGitHub Actions IntegrationGitlab CI IntegrationTravis CI Integration

.NET Code DLL Signing Example Workflow

Prepare the components of the workflow

  1. Create a .circleci folder on your editor. Include workflows with the folder and create a yml file as config.yml under the folder.
  2. Set the CircleCI version. The version field is intended to be used in order to issue warnings for deprecation or breaking changes.

    version: 2.1

  3. Orbs are reusable packages of CircleCI configuration that you may share across projects, enabling you to create encapsulated, parameterized commands, jobs, and executors that can be used across multiple projects. To use the signtool tool this needs to be windows.


       win: circleci/windows@5.0.0

  4. Invoke jobs via workflows. Workflows orchestrate a set of jobs to be run. 


       # The name of the workflow.


          # Inside the workflow, you define the jobs you want to run.


                – sign-file

  5. Define a job to be invoked later in a workflow.



  6. Specify the execution environment. We must use the windows executer because signtool is needed.


       name: win/server-2019

       size: medium

       variant: vs 2019

  7. Place the working directory for the job 

    working_directory: /home/circleci/project

  8. Add steps to the job See:  


  9. Check out the source code so that the workflow can access it.

    – checkout

  10. Download and Unzip eSignerCKA Setup

    – run:

          name: Download and Unzip eSignerCKA Setup

          command: |

             Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile “”

             Expand-Archive -Force


             Move-Item -Destination “eSigner_CKA_1.0.3.exe” -Path “eSigner_CKA_1.0.3SSL.COM eSigner CKA_1.0.3.exe”

  11. Install eSignerCKA

    – run:

          name: Setup eSignerCKA in Silent Mode

          command: |

                mkdir -p “/home/circleci/project/eSignerCKA”

                ./eSigner_CKA_1.0.3.exe /CURRENTUSER /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /DIR=”/home/circleci/project/eSignerCKA” | Out-Null

  12. Set SSLcom account information on eSignerCKA

    – run:

          name: Config Account Information on eSignerCKA

          command: |

                /home/circleci/project/eSignerCKA/eSignerCKATool.exe config -mode $env:MODE -user “$env:USERNAME” -pass “$env:PASSWORD” -totp “$env:TOTP_SECRET” -key “/home/circleci/project/eSignerCKA/master.key” -r

  13. Unload and Load certificate to windows certificate store

    – run:

          name: Load Certificate into Windows Store

          command: |

                /home/circleci/project/eSignerCKA/eSignerCKATool.exe unload

                /home/circleci/project/eSignerCKA/eSignerCKATool.exe load

  14. Select code signing certificate and get thumbprint for signing and Sign artifact with signtool

    – run:

          name: Select Certificate From Windows Store and Sign Sample File with SignTool

          command: |

                $CodeSigningCert = Get-ChildItem Cert:CurrentUserMy -CodeSigningCert | Select-Object -First 1

                & ‘C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10App Certification Kitsigntool.exe’ sign /debug /fd sha256 /tr /td sha256 /sha1 “$($CodeSigningCert.Thumbprint)” “HelloWorld.dll”

.NET Code DLL Signing Example Workflow

Prepare the components of the workflow

  1. Create a .github/workflows folder on your editor. Include workflows with the folder and create a sign.yml file under the folder.
  2. Name your project and the type of workflow involved 

    Name: Sign Artifact

  3. Trigger this workflow on a push 

    on: push

  4. Create an environment variable


     MASTER_KEY: master.key

     SIGNABLE_FILE_PATH: HelloWorld.dll

     INSTALL_DIR: C:UsersrunneradmineSignerCKA

     MASTER_KEY_FILE: C:UsersrunneradmineSignerCKAmaster.key

  5. Define the jobs on your editor



  6. Run job on Windows Runnerruns-on: windows-latest

  7. Create a name. When the workflow runs, this is the name that is logged.

    name: Sign DLL File with eSignerCKA

Outline the steps for the Sign job

  1. Check out the source code so that the workflow can access it.

    – name: Checkout Repository

       uses: actions/checkout@v3

  2. Download and Unzip eSignerCKA Setup

    – name: Download and Unzip eSignerCKA Setup

      run: |

          Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile “”

          Expand-Archive -Force


          Move-Item -Destination “eSigner_CKA_1.0.3.exe” -Path “eSigner_CKA_1.0.3SSL.COM eSigner CKA_1.0.3.exe”
  3. Install eSignerCKA

    – name: Setup eSignerCKA in Silent Mode

      run: |

          New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path ${{ env.INSTALL_DIR }}

          ./eSigner_CKA_1.0.3.exe /CURRENTUSER /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /DIR=”${{ env.INSTALL_DIR }}” | Out-Null

  4. Set account information on eSignerCKA

    – name: Config Account Information on eSignerCKA

      run: |

          ${{ env.INSTALL_DIR }}/eSignerCKATool.exe config -mode “${{ secrets.MODE }}” -user “${{ secrets.USERNAME }}”

         -pass “${{ secrets.PASSWORD }}” -totp “${{ secrets.TOTP_SECRET }}” -key “${{ env.MASTER_KEY_FILE }}” -r

  5. Unload and Load certificate to windows certificate store

    – name: Load Certificate into Windows Store

      run: |

          ${{ env.INSTALL_DIR }}/eSignerCKATool.exe unload

          ${{ env.INSTALL_DIR }}/eSignerCKATool.exe load
  6. Select code signing certificate and get thumbprint for signing

    – name: Select Certificate From Windows Store

      run: |

          $CodeSigningCert = Get-ChildItem Cert:CurrentUserMy -CodeSigningCert | Select-Object -First 1

          echo “THUMBPRINT=$($CodeSigningCert.Thumbprint)” >> $env:GITHUB_ENV
  7. Sign artifact with signtool

    – name: Sign Sample File with SignTool

      run: |

          & ‘C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/bin/10.0.17763.0/x86/signtool.exe’ sign /debug /fd sha256 /tr /td sha256 /sha1 ${{ env.THUMBPRINT }} ${{ env.SIGNABLE_FILE_PATH }}

.NET Code DLL Signing Example Workflow

Define the components of the workflow

  1. Create a yml file as .gitlab-ci.yml under the folder.
  2. Used to select runners from the list of available runners. A runner must have all tags listed here to run the job.



                – shared-windows

                – windows

                – windows-1809

  3. Groups jobs into stages. All jobs in one stage must complete before next stage is executed.


          – sign

  4. Below is the definition of your job to sign file. Define what stage the job will run in.


         stage: sign

  5. The name of one or more jobs to inherit configuration from.


         – .windows_runners
  6. Write the script to sign the file.


    # Download and Unzip eSignerCKA Setup

       – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile “″‘

       – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘Expand-Archive -Force’

       – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘Remove-Item’

       – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘Move-Item -Destination “eSigner_CKA_1.0.3.exe” -Path “eSigner_CKA_1.0.3SSL.COM eSigner CKA_1.0.3.exe”‘

    # Setup eSignerCKA in Silent Mode

    – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘./eSigner_CKA_1.0.3.exe /CURRENTUSER /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /DIR=”C:Usersgitlab_runnerDesktopeSignerCKA”‘

    # Check installation directory

    – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘dir C:Usersgitlab_runnerDesktopeSignerCKA’

    # Config Account Information on eSignerCKA

    – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘C:Usersgitlab_runnerDesktopeSignerCKAeSignerCKATool.exe config -mode ${MODE}

         -user “${USERNAME}” -pass “${PASSWORD}” -totp “${TOTP_SECRET}” -key “C:Usersgitlab_runnerAppDataRoamingeSignerCKAmaster.key” -r’

    # Unload Certificate into Windows Store

    – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘C:Usersgitlab_runnerDesktopeSignerCKAeSignerCKATool.exe unload’

    # Load Certificate into Windows Store

    – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘C:Usersgitlab_runnerDesktopeSignerCKAeSignerCKATool.exe load’

       # Check data directory

       – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘dir C:Usersgitlab_runnerAppDataRoamingeSignerCKA’

       # Check config data directory

       – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘dir C:Usersgitlab_runnerAppDataRoamingeSignerCKAConfig’

    # Select Certificate From Windows Store

    – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘$CodeSigningCert = Get-ChildItem Cert:CurrentUserMy -CodeSigningCert | Select-Object -First 1; echo $CodeSigningCert.Thumbprint > .Thumbprint’

    # Debug Certificate Thumbprint

    – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘Set-Variable -Name Thumbprint -Value (Get-Content .Thumbprint); echo $Thumbprint’

    # Sign Sample File with SignTool

    – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command “Set-Variable -Name Thumbprint -Value (Get-Content .Thumbprint);

         ‘C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10bin10.0.17763.0x86signtool.exe sign /debug /fd sha256 /tr /td sha256 /sha1 $Thumbprint HelloWorld.dll'”

.NET Code DLL Signing Example Workflow

Define the components of the workflow

  1. Create a yml file as .travis.yml under the root folder.
  2. Place the CPU Architecture to run the job on.

    arch: amd64

  3. Default language to run jobs on Travis CI

    language: csharp

  4. The Operating System to run the job on

    os: windows

  5. Specify the order of stages. All jobs in one stage must be completed before the next stage is executed.


      – sign

  6. Define the build stage



         – stage: sign

  7. The job name

    name: sign-file
  8. The operating system to run the job on

    os: windows
  9. Current language to run jobs on Travis CI

    language: c
  10. Write the Before script to run before building the project


        – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path C:Userstravisbuildesigner-sampleeSignerCKASSLcom’

  11. Write the script to build the project.


    # Download and Unzip eSignerCKA Setup

    – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile “″‘

    – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘Expand-Archive -Force’

    – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘Remove-Item’

    – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘Move-Item -Destination “eSigner_CKA_1.0.3.exe” -Path “eSigner_CKA_1.0.3SSL.COM eSigner CKA_1.0.3.exe”‘

    # Setup eSignerCKA in Silent Mode

    – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘./eSigner_CKA_1.0.3.exe /CURRENTUSER /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /DIR=”C:Userstravisbuildesigner-sampleeSignerCKASSLcom” | Out-Null’

    # Check installation directory

    – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘dir C:Userstravisbuildesigner-sampleeSignerCKASSLcom’

    # Config Account Information on eSignerCKA

    – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘C:Userstravisbuildesigner-sampleeSignerCKASSLcomeSignerCKATool.exe config -mode ${MODE} -user “${USERNAME}”

       -pass “${PASSWORD}” -totp “${TOTP_SECRET}” -key “C:Userstravisbuildesigner-sampleeSignerCKASSLcommaster.key” -r’

    # Unload Certificate into Windows Store

    – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘C:Userstravisbuildesigner-sampleeSignerCKASSLcomeSignerCKATool.exe unload’

    # Load Certificate into Windows Store

    – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘C:Userstravisbuildesigner-sampleeSignerCKASSLcomeSignerCKATool.exe load’

    # Select Certificate From Windows Store

    – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘$CodeSigningCert = Get-ChildItem Cert:CurrentUserMy -CodeSigningCert | Select-Object -First 1; echo $CodeSigningCert.Thumbprint > .Thumbprint’

    # Debug Certificate Thumbprint

    – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ‘Set-Variable -Name Thumbprint -Value (Get-Content .Thumbprint); echo $Thumbprint’

    # Sign Sample File with SignTool

    – powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command “Set-Variable -Name Thumbprint -Value (Get-Content .Thumbprint); ‘C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10binx64signtool.exe sign /debug /fd sha256 /tr /td sha256 /sha1 $Thumbprint HelloWorld.dll'”

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With our expert knowledge and five-star support staff, we’re ready and willing to work with you on custom solutions or enterprise-level high-volume signing discounts. Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.

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