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How to install a TLS/SSL Certificate to the Oracle Wallet Manager


Oracle Wallet Manager is an application used to manage and edit security credentials in Oracle wallets. A wallet is a password-protected container that stores authentication and signing credentials, including private keys, certificates, and trusted certificates, all of which are used by SSL for strong authentication. This guide will give you all the necessary steps you need to take in order to install your TLS/SSL certificate in your Oracle Wallet Manager. When you create an Oracle Wallet Manager, you will be prompted to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) that will be used to acquire a TLS/SSL certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority like If you already have a CSR and the associated private key, then you can skip Part I of this guide and proceed to Part II.

Important Note: Oracle Wallet Manager does not support Wildcard Certificates. Please be cautious when buying a digital certificate you wish to use with this tool.

If you have already purchased a Wildcard Certificate from and wish to use it with Oracle Wallet Manager, please contact our Support Team at

Part I: Adding a Certificate Request

As mentioned above, when creating an Oracle Wallet Manager, the tool will prompt you to generate a certificate request. Please note that you can add multiple certificate requests. In doing so, Oracle Wallet Manager populates each subsequent request dialog box with the content of the initial request that you can then edit.  In order to create the CSR, you need to follow these steps:
  1. Launch Oracle Wallet Manager.
  2. Choose Operations from the menu in Oracle Wallet Manager. Select Create Certificate Request to open the dialog box.
  3. Enter the information in the following fields
    1. Common Name (Mandatory): Enter the fully qualified domain name (or FQDN), For more information about the disambiguations regarding the term “Common Name”, please consult this guide
    2. Organizational Unit (Optional): Enter the name of a department, for example, “IT” or “Finance”.
    3. Organization (Optional): Enter the full legal name of your organization, for example, SSL Corp.
    4. Locality/City (Optional): Enter the city or locality where your organization is located.
    5. State/Province (Optional): Enter the full name of the state and province where your organization is located. This is important especially for organizations located in the U.S.
    6. Country (Mandatory): Choose to view a list of countries and select the one where your organization is located.
    7. Key size (Mandatory): Choose to view a list of key sizes to use when creating your public and private keys. We recommend using a key size of at least 2048 bits. However, you may need bigger key sizes for some certificates, such as code signing (3072 bits).  
    8. Advanced (Optional): Typically you do not need to fill this field. If you have some specific requests about this, please contact
  4. Choose OK. A message informs you that the Certificate Request has been successfully created. 
  5. Click OK again to return to the main menu. You will notice that the status of the certificate has changed to “Requested”
  6. Click again on Operations and select Export Certificate Request.
  7. Save the CSR file providing a directory and a name.
  8. Click OK. Now you can open the CSR file in a text editor and use it to order your certificate from For a complete guide of this procedure, please refer to this guide.
  9. After you receive your certificate from, you can install it in Oracle Wallet Manager. This procedure is covered in Part II.

Part II: Installing your TLS/SSL certificate to the Oracle Wallet Manager

II – A. Downloading the necessary files

Before installing your certificate in Oracle Wallet Manager, you need to download them from your account. Please follow these steps:  
  1. Go to the Orders tab in your account dashboard
  2. Choose the certificate you want to install and click on the details of the certificate.
  3. From the certificates download, select the “Individual Certificates” and download the compressed file. 
  After decompressing the file, you will see three separate certificate files (.crt). One of them has the name of your certificate (from now on, USER.crt). The other includes in the name the word ROOT (from now on, ROOT.crt). The third includes in the name the word INTERMEDIATE (from now on, INTERMEDIATE.crt). You need to install these in the correct order for them to work properly:
  1. ROOT.crt
  3. USER.crt

II – B. Certificate Installation

You have two options to install a certificate into your wallet. You can import the certificates from the file or paste the certificate contents as text only from the file. We will guide you through both options, so you can choose the one that suits you better.

Option A. Import from the file

  1. Install ROOT.crt
    1. Launch Oracle Wallet Manager
    2. From the menu bar choose Operations and select Import Trusted Certificate. A dialog panel will appear. 
    3. Choose Select a file that contains the certificate, and click OK. Another Import Certificate dialog box appears. 
    4. Enter the path or folder name of the certificate.
    5. Select the name of the certificate ROOT.crt.
    6. Choose OK. You will notice a message at the bottom of your window informing you that the ROOT.crt certificate has been successfully imported into your wallet. 
    7. Choose OK to exit the dialog panel and return to the main panel. Your ROOT.crt certificate appears at the bottom of the Trusted Certificate tree. 
  2. Install INTERMEDIATE.crt
    1. From the menu bar choose Operations and select Import Trusted Certificate. A dialog panel will appear. 
    2. Choose Select a file that contains the certificate, and click OK. Another Import Certificate dialog box appears. 
    3. Enter the path or folder name of the certificate.
    4. Select the name of the certificate INTERMEDIATE.crt.
    5. Choose OK. You will notice a message at the bottom of your window informing you that the INTERMEDIATE.crt certificate has been successfully imported into your wallet. 
    6. Choose OK to exit the dialog panel and return to the main panel. Your INTERMEDIATE.crt certificate appears at the bottom of the Trusted Certificate tree. 
  3. Install USER.crt
    1. From the menu bar choose Operations and select Import User Certificate. A dialog panel will appear. 
    2. Choose Select a file that contains the certificate, and click OK. Another Import Certificate dialog box appears. 
    3. Enter the path or folder name of the certificate.
    4. Select the name of the certificate USER.crt.
    5. Choose OK. You will notice a message at the bottom of your window informing you that the USER.crt certificate has been successfully imported into your wallet. 
    6. When you are returned to the main panel, the wallet status should show “Ready”.
  4. Save your changes before closing your Oracle Wallet Manager.

Option B. Import as text

  1. Install ROOT.crt
    1. Launch Oracle Wallet Manager
    2. From the menu bar choose Operations and select Import Trusted Certificate. A dialog panel will appear. 
    3. Choose Paste the Certificate, and click OK. Another Import Trusted Certificate dialog panel appears with the following message: Please provide a base64 format certificate and paste it below.
    4. Open ROOT.crt with a text editor and copy all the data in the file, including the lines Begin Certificate and End Certificate.
    5. Paste the certificate into the window, and click OK. A message at the bottom of the window informs you that the trusted certificate was successfully installed. 
    6. Choose OK to exit the dialog panel and return to the main panel. Your ROOT.crt certificate appears at the bottom of the Trusted Certificate tree. 
  2. Install INTERMEDIATE.crt
    1. From the menu bar choose Operations and select Import Trusted Certificate. A dialog panel will appear. 
    2. Choose Paste the Certificate, and click OK. Another Import Trusted Certificate dialog panel appears with the following message: Please provide a base64 format certificate and paste it below.
    3. Open INTERMEDIATE.crt with a text editor and copy all the data in the file, including the lines Begin Certificate and End Certificate.
    4. Paste the certificate into the window, and click OK. A message at the bottom of the window informs you that the trusted certificate was successfully installed. 
    5. Choose OK to exit the dialog panel and return to the main panel. Your INTERMEDIATE.crt certificate appears at the bottom of the Trusted Certificate tree. 
  3. Install USER.crt
    1. From the menu bar choose Operations and select Import User Certificate. A dialog panel will appear. 
    2. Choose Paste the Certificate, and click OK. Another Import Trusted Certificate dialog panel appears with the following message: Please provide a base64 format certificate and paste it below.
    3. Open USER.crt with a text editor and copy all the data in the file, including the lines Begin Certificate and End Certificate.
    4. Paste the certificate into the window, and click OK. A message at the bottom of the window informs you that the USER.crt certificate was successfully installed. 
    5. When you are returned to the main panel, the wallet status should show “Ready”.
  4. Save your changes before closing your Oracle Wallet Manager.
Thus our guide for installing TLS/SSL Certificate to your Oracle  Wallet Manager is concluded. If you have any more questions, please contact our Support Team at
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