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Install Intermediate Certificates for EV Code Signing and Document Signing

To avoid trust issues with digital signatures, SSL.com recommends that customers with EV Code Signing and Business Identity (document signing) certificates install a complete chain of trust with all required intermediate and root certificates in their computer’s certificate store. This how-to provides instructions for downloading and installing these files on Windows and macOS.

SSL.com also recommends that you install these certificates directly onto your YubiKey FIPS token.

Step 1: Download Certificate Bundle

Begin by downloading and unzipping the correct bundle for your certificate type:

Step 2: Install Certificate Bundle


  1. Double-click the certificate bundle you downloaded and unzipped in the previous step.
    document signing bundle
  2. If a security warning dialog box appears, click the Open button to dismiss it.
    security dialog box
  3. Click the Install Certificate button.
    Install Certificate
  4. Make sure Current User is selected, then click the Next button.
    select current user and click Next button
  5. Make sure Automatically select the certificate store based on the certificate type is selected, then click the Next button.
    automatically select certificate store
  6. Click the Finish button.
    Finish button
  7. Click the OK button to close the dialog box.
    OK button
  8. Click the OK button to close the Certificate window.
    OK button


  1. Double-click the certificate bundle you downloaded and unzipped in the previous step.
    document signing bundle
  2. A dialog box will appear. Make sure the login keychain is selected and click the Add button.
    Add certificates to login keychain
  3. Keychain Access will open. You can check that the correct intermediate certificate was installed by selecting Certificates in the left-hand Category, then typing “ssl.com client” (for document signing) or “ssl.com ev code” (for EV code signing) in the search field. The newly-installed intermediate should be visible in the search results.
    Installed intermediate4. Quit Keychain Access by selecting Keychain Access > Quit Keychain Access from the menu.
    Quit Keychain Access
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