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Install CA Root Certificates Certificate Authority Roots

Intermediate Files

If you have installed your new certificate but are experiencing trust errors, then please be sure that the proper supporting certificates have been installed on the server. These are different files than were previously used for your certificates. You can follow these handy steps to get the files added and any warning messages removed.


First, download the required supporting files. After download, expand the compressed file and review the contents.

Locate the ‘SSL_COM_ROOT_CERTIFICATION_AUTHORITY_RSA’ certificate file and install it onto your server(s).  This certificate should be imported into the Trusted Root certificate store, or the trustpoint/keystore that you are using for your certificate installation.

PRO-TIP: Apache users who manage their certificates via configuration file should download the CA-Bundle and update the path for SSLCertificateChainFile to point to the uncompressed file.

Once all CA Root Certificates have been added, restart the web server and test the secure connection. You can use a third party certificate scanner like the one at SSL Shopper to identify any issues with the installation. Use the URL below to test your website(s). Next, locate the file ‘SSL_COM_RSA_SSL_subCA’ and install it as well. Again, try to place the certificate in the Trusted Root certificate store, or the Trustpoint/keystore that you are using. Please be aware that some Windows systems may automatically place the certificates in the Personal folder.  This is perfectly acceptable and will not hinder the functionality of your website.

SSL Checker:

PRO-TIP: Some Windows servers will require you to change the binding to change the binding to a different certificate and then change it back to the one from in order for the supporting files to be recognized.  Older servers may require you to restart IIS completely.

CA Root Certificates Download

Please let us know if you have any problems adding the intermediate certificates.  We’re always ready to assist our customers.


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